colour & body shape analysis

Do you hide behind dark colours? Struggle to work out which colours make you look your best? Do you know the most flattering styles for your body shape? Are you stuck in a style rut?

This is a fabulous gift – either to yourself, a special friend or family member. The self knowledge you gain from a Colour and Body Shape Analysis is a powerful tool, and by the end of the session you will feel confident about what suits your colouring, personality and lifestyle.

You will receive a personalised digital style guide, detailing your shapes and colours as well as a swatch fan of all your colours.


Colour analysis using drapes to define your seasonal colour palette. Highlighting your very best colours, your neutrals and those to avoid.

Body shape analysis to show you which styles work for your body shape, including the most flattering jeans and trousers, dresses and necklines for you.

Current trends and how to translate them for your body shape and lifestyle.

Following the consultation, you will a receive a digital style guide summarising everything we have discussed, as well as a swatch fan of all your colours.


The Colour and Body Shape Consultation is 2-2.5 hours and takes place at your home or at a convenient location.


£200 (inc. colour swatch fan)